06 January 2017

hello, 2017 - hello, new camera

New year, new camera - I am now the proud owner of a DSLR! I've had the money for it for about five months now but took my time on making the leap...I'm glad I finally did, though, because I think I'm in love. It's a Nikon D750 that I got refurbished for much cheaper than retail (however, once I got it, I learned that the shutter had been opened less than 100 times, so I'd say it basically qualifies as brand new...). I've always liked my Nikon film cameras and lenses that were my grandpa's, and I discovered that if I got a camera with a full-frame sensor, I could use all my old lenses - so I went for it! It takes such nice photos, it's like being able to use my film camera infinitely. I kind of feel like I'm cheating, actually!

So on day one of my new camera, I decided to take a photo per hour...and here they are!

8:00am - returned the rental car from our New Year's trip to Maine

9:00am - walked from downtown Brooklyn over through Grand Army Plaza

10:00am - went to the library, then popped in the botanic garden (it was empty!)

11:00am - walked through the garden, it started raining kind of hard so decided to leave

12:00pm - took the train home, was greeted by Finny, caught up on work from over winter break

1:00pm - had a tasty pain au raison from the coffee shop around the corner, wrote back to more people

2:00pm - inventory!! and other boring things that had been on the work to-do list for a while

3:00pm - work was slow, so I read the manual for my new camera (well, some of it - it's 500 pages long!)

4:00pm - walked to the grocery store for dinner stuff

5:00pm - UPS came and dropped off my new lens! since all of my old lenses are manual focus, I thought it would be nice to get an auto-focus one, and this one was cheap!

6:00pm - met Matt at the train station

7:00pm - had dinner, had this Pimm's Cup! maybe slightly too summery for our weather, but delicious

8:00pm - snuggled up with cats, played some video games

...and then I got tired and forgot about photos!

1 comment:

  1. Nice pics. You can really tell the difference if you scroll down to look at previous ones. Me
